Failed to create an instance of translation provider


We have just installed CU11 for Trados Studio 2014 SP2. Now the project preparation throughs inner exception "Failed to create an instance of translation provider". The following code snippet worked just fine in CU10:


public void AddServerTM(string serverUri, string connectionStringUri, string userName, string password,

            bool performUpdate = true, bool performNormalSearch = true, bool performConcordanceSearch = false, int penalty = 0)


            // Create TranslationProviderCascadeEntry           

            TranslationProviderCascadeEntry tmEntry = new TranslationProviderCascadeEntry(new TranslationProviderReference(

                new Uri(connectionStringUri)), performUpdate, performNormalSearch, performConcordanceSearch, penalty);           


            // Get TranslationProviderConfiguration from project

            TranslationProviderConfiguration config = _SDLProject.GetTranslationProviderConfiguration();

            // Add entry to config



            // Format the credential.

            string credential = String.Format("user={0};password={1};type=CustomUser", userName, password);

            // Add credential to the project

            _SDLProject.Credentials.AddCredential(new Uri(serverUri), credential);

            // Update the translation provider configuration





public ITSTaskSequence RunAutomaticTasks(List<string> taskIdList)


// Get array of traget files.

       ProjectFile[] trgLangFiles = targetFiles = _SDLProject.GetTargetLanguageFiles(new Language(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(trgLocale)));

            // Run an array of tasks

       TaskSequence retTaskSequence = _SDLProject.RunAutomaticTasks(trgLangFiles.GetIds(), taskIdList.ToArray());



_SDLProject.RunAutomaticTasks(trgLangFiles.GetIds(), taskIdList.ToArray())

The above API function returns a TaskSequence retTaskSequence which contains a Message with level Error: “Failed to create an instance of translation provider”.


Strack Trace:

at Sdl.ProjectApi.Implementation.TaskExecution.ContentProcessingTaskImplementation.InitializeTaskImplementations()

at Sdl.ProjectApi.Implementation.TaskExecution.ContentProcessingTaskImplementation.Execute()

at Sdl.ProjectApi.Implementation.AutomaticTaskExecuter.Execute()


Please help to identify which changes are necessary with CU11. We are using GroupShare 2014 SP2 CU4 (server-based) TMs.

