The goal of this tutorial is to move a file from:
Preparation phase
To Translation phase
In order to change the phase of a file a POST call must be made to:
In the body of the request we need to sent couple information like: "LanguageFileId" and "PhaseId"
How to obtain the LanguageFileId
LanguageFileId can be obtained by doing a GET call to
From the response object take the value of "UniqueId" property (make sure you take the id for the target file)
How to obtain the PhaseId
First step is to get all the Phases Ids. We'll make a GET to:
From the response take the id of the phase you want. In out case we'll take the translation phase id.
We gathered all the information necessary now we are able to make a POST to actually change the phase.
The body of the /api/projectserver/v2/projects/{projectId}/changephase call should look like this:
If the response code of the call is "201" that means the file phase was changed successfully. If you refresh the GroupShare UI you should see the file in the new phase.