I has got access token, and try check connection with cloud
RWS Language Cloud Public API Documentation (sdl.com)
I first try to collect all list of projects but below error has display.

I has got access token, and try check connection with cloud
RWS Language Cloud Public API Documentation (sdl.com)
I first try to collect all list of projects but below error has display.
Hi Le Cong Hai,
We investigated the logs for the trace id you provided in the screenshot and the issue is that there is no application related to the client id you provided in the request. Please make sure you follow the steps mentioned in our documentation and let us know of you have any other questions.
Hi Maria Miron.
Thanks for your reply.
In documentation, there is has description like "Log in to the Language Cloud web UI as a human Administrator" .
The Language Cloud web UI is [languagecloud.sdl.com/] ?
I logged on with administrator account, and go to User tab but I can't see Service Users sub-tab any where.
Please tell me how to see Service Users sub-tab.
that is related with our organization plan?
Hi Le Cong Hai,
Access to the API is an optional extra for Trados Live customers. Please speak to your sales contact to ask them to enable this entitlement.
Kind regards,
Thankyou very much.
After enable Service , Now I can created Service Users.
And, I can Access to the API.
That's great news. Please would you mark my answer above as the correct reply in order to help future customers who may have the same issue?