Is it possible to create batches via the Trados Live API?

I would like to know if it's possible to create batches via the API when a client uploads more than 1 file, for example. If so, how? I don't find any info in the API documentation, which lacks a "Search" function, by the way.

Parents Reply
  • Yes, we can indeed add multiple files, but if we add them at once Trados Live creates just 1 large translation task. To avoid that, it's best to divide the project into batches...

    Imagine that you have 3 files with 10,000 word each and a total of 30,000 words.

    - If you create a project without using the "batch" features, Trados creates just 1 task with 30,000 words

    - Manually, it's possible to split this projects into 3 batches. In this case, if you create 1 batch per file, each task only has 10,000 words. This helps completing the project faster, because you can have 3 translators working on 1 batch each, instead of having 1 translator working on 30,000 words.

    I hope this is more clear now.

    The original question is: we don't know if we can tell the API to create 1 batch per file.
