Termbase import logs download casts an error with the LanguageCloud SDK library


I've tried some Termbase APIs yesterday and everything worked well (list, delete, export, import) except the download of the import logs. Although I can get the logs through Postman, it does not work with the SDK.

Here is the code I run
var importTBClient = LanguageCloudClientProvider.GetTermbaseImportClient(credentials);
var downloadLog = importTBClient.DownloadTermbaseImportLogAsync("62c7e20c4dbfa75e1cc4474c", "65baafea9c574c261aced2d1");
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\temp\file.log", downloadLog.Result.ToString());

and these are the errors

1 of 2 (only the beginning of the error
ModelDeserializationException: The following string "...

2 of 2
JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: G. Path '', line 1, position 1.


at Sdl.ApiClientSdk.Core.JsonConvertHelper.TryDeserializeObject[T](String result)
at Rws.LanguageCloud.Sdk.TermbaseImportClient.<DownloadTermbaseImportLogAsync>d__16.MoveNext()

var importTBClient = LanguageCloudClientProvider.GetTermbaseImportClient(credentials);
var downloadLog = importTBClient.DownloadTermbaseImportLogAsync("62c7e20c4dbfa75e1cc4474c", "65baafea9c574c261aced2d1");
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\temp\file.log", downloadLog.Result.ToString());

Is my last line correct? and if so, could you please take a closer look in the SDK?

Kind regards


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