Basically this is the same question as asked by Samuel Baldus more than 2 years ago:
Language Cloud API Download Package
and for which he also created a suggestion/request via the Ideas forum:
RSW Language Cloud API: Package Download/Upload
Are there any plans to make this available via the public API? Is there is any chance to have this available in the near future?
If not, could this be somehow achieved via a custom task (developed by professional services?) or some kind of project automation?
And just to have again the context without the need to consult the previous question:
I am talking about the functionality available in the UI under Inbox/Active/More Actions: "Download Package/Split Package" and "Upload Package"
and which are available under POST /lc-api/package/v1/packages/exports and POST /lc-api/package/v1/packages/imports in the "non-pubic" API.
Also, this is about the offline packages, which should also containing the resources which were generated by the corresponding "Generate Linguistic Resources" task in the workflow.
Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 1:25 PM (GMT 1) on 3 Jun 2024]