I have a problem with linking a new TM to a different path.
The new server TM will be saved correctly, but without the property LinkedResourceGroupPaths saved before:
arrLinkPaths(0) = "/ourComp/subPath/FR"
objNewTM.LinkedResourceGroupPaths = arrLinkPaths
This property is simply not stored with the new TM on the server!
Online I see this info:
Public Property LinkedResourceGroupPaths As String() Get Set
In Visual Basic object browser I see this information(only get available?):
Public Property LinkedResourceGroupPaths As String()
Member of Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi.ServerBasedTranslationMemory
Gets the collection of paths for the linked resource groups.
What I am doing wrong? Have I missed something?
Maybe reload the server TM after creation and then changing the LinkedResourceGroupPaths property?