Automated translation with project templates from API not working

Dear all, 

what I'm trying to solve is to create translation projects through the Studio API, and I use a project template as the basis for the new project.

The project template contains a TM and the SDL BeGlobal Automated Translation provider as translation sources. In the template, I set up "Apply automated translation" when no match is found. If I use this template to create a new project from Studio, the BeGlobal is used prefectly during the pretranslation. However, if I do the same through the API, BeGlobal is not applied and this is the problem. It is added to the project as a translation provider, but it is not used in the Pretranslation phase, just the TM. If I open the created project in studio, and click on "Batch task -> Pretranslate files -> Finish" on the target file, then BeGlobal is applied, and the target segments are filled. This is all the sample code I use:

var pi = new ProjectInfo();
pi.Name = "Test";
pi.LocalProjectFolder = @"d:\temp\sdlprojects\Test5";
var ptl = new ProjectTemplateReference(@"C:\Users\mesztam\Documents\Studio 2011\Project Templates\Test.sdltpl");
var fbp = new FileBasedProject(pi, ptl);
var pf = fbp.AddFiles(new string[] { @"d:\test2.txt" })[0];
fbp.SetFileRole(new Guid[] { pf.Id }, FileRole.Translatable);
fbp.RunAutomaticTasks(new[] {pf.Id}, new[] {
"Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.Scan", "Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.Conversion", "Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.Split"});
var tlf= fbp.GetTargetLanguageFiles()[0];
fbp.RunAutomaticTasks(new[] { tlf.Id }, new[] { "Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.Analysis", "Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.Translate" });

I would apprechiate any ideas. Or is this an API bug?

thanks in advance,
