New/changed APIs in Studio 2014


we have been wondering whether there is already information about upcoming changes in the APIs for Studio 2014?

Thanks in advance!


Kind regards


Parents Reply
  • Hi Christine,

    No, this is real.  Everyone will be notified next week. but you can use it already.  The reason for the delay is because of some technical issues we are having with our websites at the moment so we didn't want to publicise this too much and then have to deal with emails around the inability to access the pages.

    So if you do use this now, and if you can't access the pages then please just try again a little later and it may be better... there is nothing the SDK Team can do to help with access problems.

    There will be a formal notification sent around next week and hopefully all the connectivity questions will be solved by then as well.

    Kind regards


    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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