TMW conversion to anything useful (TMX or SDLTM)


Do we have any means of converting TMW files to TMX or SDLTM?

I need a mechanism that will allow updating legacy format into a TMX or SDLTM, which can be used in an automatic workflow step in TMS - it can come either from Studio or SDLX api, or a third party tool.

Thanks a lot in advance!


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  • Good day, Florentina.
    If i try to convert tmw translation memory with that process, i have error message

    Sdl.LanguagePlatform.Core.LanguagePlatformException: The specified file is not a valid translation memory.
    at Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi.AbstractLocalTranslationMemory.get_Setup()
    at Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi.FileBasedTranslationMemoryLanguageDirection.get_SourceLanguage()
    at TMExporter.ExportTMXFile(String tmPath, String exportFilePath)

    and more interesting, i dont have any errors after constructor
    var exporter = new TranslationMemoryExporter(_tm.LanguageDirection);

    but have it on stage
    exporter.Export(exportFullPath, true)

    or if i try to get source-target languages
    string source = _tm.LanguageDirection.SourceLanguage;

    When i convert sdltm with this, no any problem, converting is made correct.