Problems using MT Enhanced through SDL Project Automation API, works in Studio.

I am creating an external .NET application that uses a Project Template to setup a project, add files from a directory, attach a TM, and then use the MT Enhanced plugin. The Pre-translate Files task is configured so that when no match is found, "Apply automated translation". When we create a New Project and run the Pre-Translate Batch Task through Studio (we are on 2015), it works perfectly. We can see what the TM did and also what the MT did. However, when I try to do it in my application, I am received an error:

{"Unexpected exception when initializing task 'Analyze Files': Authentication failed for translation provider 'mtenhancedprovider:///?sendplaintextonly=False&selectedprovider=Microsoft+Translator&usecatid=False&catid=65c5ca74-d991-4f3f-9374-224861807990-en-US-es-MX-TMX-CUSTOM&resenddrafts=False&usepreedit=False&usepostedit=False&prelookupfilename=&postlookupfilename='.."}

Is there an additional setting that is needed when attempting to use the MT Enhance programmatically? Or will it only work when the task is executed via Studio?

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