I'd like to open programmatically an sdlxliff file in Studio at a given segment number as if the document was opened in Studio and then you chose Edit->Go To (Number) and typed in the dialog the number of the segment number.
With the command-line aguments in sdltradosstudio.exe you can open a document with the /opendocument switch, but there is not a "/segment" command-line switch that allows you to specify which segment number should be the active pair when the document opens.
The new Translation Automation API in the SDK 2014 (Integration API) seems to bring some functionality related with opening document (with the OpenDocumentAction class for example), but does not seem to allow you to set which the current segment in the editor must be. However, the pages of the Integration API documentation have the caveat that it is preliminary documentation, so it might simply be missing information on already exposed methods.
Is this functionality (i.e., opening or activating a document and put the segment cursor at an arbitrary segment number) available with the Integation API?
If so, which would be a high-level approach using the Integration API to open a document in Studio at a given segment from an external application?