Custom explicit

Screenshot of Trados Studio showing a list with 'AT' representing the translation engine and percentages indicating match accuracy. The 'AT' and percentages are displayed in a column with customizable background colors.


I want to know the "AT" shown in this list as shown in the figure, which represents the translation engine, but how does it read from the plug-in code? How does the location of AT display percentage ? Or AT and percentage display at the same time? 

At the same time, how does the background color of this "AT" or "percentage" area support customization?

Can  you help me and give me some suggestions? 

With kind regards.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 1:08 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Hi  

    Unknown said:
    How does the location of AT display percentage ? Or AT and percentage display at the same time?

    Most Machine Translation providers display AT only and no percentage.  But it is possible to include a percentage in the result.  For example, this is what we see in an SDLXLIFF using different providers: 

    <sdl:seg id="1" conf="Draft" origin="mt" origin-system="SDL ETS translation provider" percent="25">

    <sdl:seg id="2" conf="Draft" origin="mt" origin-system="SDL Language Cloud Machine Translation">

    <sdl:seg id="3" conf="Draft" origin="mt" origin-system="AmazonTranslate Trados Plugin">

    Note that the first one actually includes a percentage and this can be used for filtering results.  The plugin developer did this on purpose to support filtering by fuzzy matches for AT segments.  However, the percentage is not shown in Studio in the column you have highlighted, it's just there in the background and can be used by the display filter.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • HI Paul Thank you so much for your reply. And where can I fuzzy match these segments? And how to filter it?
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