i am trying to create a Termbase in C#, using the example from the SDK. My
source code looks like this:
using Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop;
Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.Application oMt = new Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.ApplicationClass();
TermbaseRepository rep = oMt.LocalRepository; rep.Connect("","");
Termbases tbs = rep.Termbases; Termbase tb = tbs.New("name", "description", "C:/ent/SyncMultiTerm/test.xdt", "C:/ent/SyncMultiTerm/cs.sdltb");
I am using the xdt file attached to this post. If i create the termbase
manually, the sdltb file is created, and for each language there are
additional mdf and mdt files.
If i am using this script, only the sdltb file is created, and if i am trying
to open the sdltb in the MultiTerm Desktop GUI, i get an error. You can find
a screenshot an an xml of the error message in the attachment.
I tried this with MultiTerm Desktop 2011 as well as 2014, and got the same
error. Is this a BUG in the SDK, or am i doing something wrong?
Mario Trojan