After the first attempt to export/update external review via API, I have started to use SDL Studio 2014.
It has the proper automated tasks for these, and the export is working properly. However, I can't get to work the update method: it throws the following error:
Unexpected exception when configuring file multiFileConverter for task 'Update from External Review': Expecting element 'ArrayOfExternalReviewMappingItem' from namespace 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Sdl.ProjectApi.Settings'.. Encountered 'Element' with name 'ArrayOfExternalReviewMappingItem', namespace 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Sdl.ProjectAutomation.Settings'. .
While, I think I properly fill the ExternalReviewMappingItems of the ImportFromReviewTaskSettings settings group before calling the RunAutomaticTask like this way (C#, and UpdateXliffAndreviewedFilepaths is a string Dictionary):
ISettingsBundle settings = project.GetSettings(trgLanguage);
ImportFromReviewTaskSettings impSettings = settings.GetSettingsGroup<ImportFromReviewTaskSettings>();
foreach (string xliff in UpdateXliffAndreviewedFilepaths.Keys)
impSettings.ExternalReviewMappingItems.Value.Add(new ExternalReviewMappingItem(xliff, project.GetProjectInfo().Id, UpdateXliffAndreviewedFilepaths[xliff]));
impSettings.Backup.Value = false;
impSettings.ConfirmationLevel.Value = ConfirmationLevel.Translated;
project.UpdateSettings(trgLanguage, settings);
AutomaticTask task = project.RunAutomaticTask(targetFileIDs,
The online API documentation of the new external review automatic tasks are very short without any examples. Could you please advice to solve this issue?
Best regards,