Error when opening merged files:"Different number of items in the markup segment than in the lingua segment"

I imported few XLIFFs with custom file type that has the order number of the segments as a decimal. Example: 1.1, 1.2 , etc.  At the same time I import the segments in a TM but with an integer number. When all the  imported XLIFF are merged or all opened to edit I get this error:

"Different number of items in the markup segment than in the lingua segment"

This doesn’t happen when XLIFF are opened one by one.

The details of the error show this:

Type: Sdl.LangugePlatform.TranslationMemoryTools.InvalidSegmentContentException, Sdl.LanguagePlatform,TranslationMemoryTools

StackTrace: Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryTools.MarkupDataTokenMapping.ctor(Segment linguaSegment, ISegment markupSegment, Nullable’1 acceptTrackChanges).

