"Multiple ambiguous overloads" error when registering BatchExported event handler for TMX export

As mentioned recently elsewhere, I'm getting weird errors in my STraSAK when registering TMX export (and also import) event handler.
The same code runs just fine without errors with Studio 2014 and 2015, and I'm pretty sure it worked fine in earlier Studio 2017 versions (pre-SR1, like Studio 2017 CU5).

The code is PowerShell, but I'm pretty sure you get the idea since PS code looks very similar to C#...

This is the event handler (as PowerShell scriptblock). No rocket science, it just writes the number of processed and exported TUs to console:

# Event handler scriptblock
$OnBatchExported = {
    param([System.Object]$sender, [Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi.BatchExportedEventArgs]$e)
    $TotalProcessed = $e.TotalProcessed
    $TotalExported = $e.TotalExported
    Write-Host "TUs processed: $TotalProcessed, exported: $TotalExported`r" -NoNewLine

And this is the relevant piece of the code - it's actually trivial, it gets a standard Studio TM object, creates TM exporter object, registers the event handler, runes the actual export and then unregisters the event handler. Again, no rocket science...

$TM = Get-FilebasedTM $SDLTM.FullName
$Exporter = New-Object Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi.TranslationMemoryExporter ($TM.LanguageDirection)
$Exporter.Export("$TMXPath\$TMXName", ($Force.IsPresent))

This code runs perfectly with Studio 2015, but fails with Studio 2017 (and also 2019) - see the video below.

The error 'Multiple ambiguous overloads found for "Add_BatchExported" and the argument count: "1"' would suggest that there is some difference in the API in Studio 2017/2019... yet, there is nothing mentioned in the relevant API documentation: producthelp.sdl.com/.../d829a063-705f-e34b-f504-a882125aed13.htm

BTW, the way the event handler is registered/unregistered is correct, see wensveen.wordpress.com/.../

Even the PrimalSense context help (which reads parameters directly from the DLLs) is not helpful since the event handler overloads are simply identical... That's really sick :(
How is one supposed to differentiate between these two?!?!

Screenshot showing an autocomplete suggestion for 'add_BatchExported' method with one parameter in Trados Studio.
Screenshot displaying a second autocomplete suggestion for 'add_BatchExported' method, indicating ambiguity in Trados Studio.

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[edited by: Trados AI at 1:18 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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