MultiTerm Import

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Former Member


I'd like to know how can I use "SDL MultiTerm > Termbase Management > Import > Synchronize on Term" check item.

I'm in the middle of testing. Code goes..

Entries myEntries = myTB.Entries;
foreach(string myXMLitem in myXMLitems)
    Entry myEntry = myEntries.New(myXMLitem);
    //  myEntry.Merge(someTHING);

So far so good, I can import successfully for non_duplicated items.

But, I can not figure out how to manage duplicated items properly (entry Merge).

Just a brief hints/sample_codes should be perfect.


[Version 2017]


I just found this kind of codes. But, I can not handle it properly.

ImportDefinition myImportDefinition = myImportDefinitions[2];     // Synchronize on Term
myImportDefinition.ProcessImport(MtTaskType.mtScript, "English", "Chinese");

I have a proper XML file and I do not want to use "Wizard"


Parents Reply
  • Did you understand this part?

    But... you may have found a bug in the MultiTerm API, because it does not merge. If I run the same definition (called "sync" in my setup) in theUI, it properly merges entries. Through the API it does add them as new. You may be out of luck here, I can't see a bugfix for that being high priority.

    Gerhard is the developer of the Glossary Converter which correctly handles merging.  He said if you just use the API it may not merge correctly.  So he had to deal with this by writing his own code to handle it properly.

    I also agree a fix for this is very unlikely because the focus is on Cloud Terminology at the moment.  So your solution will have to be that you write the code to handle this correctly yourself.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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