API for upgrading TMs in SDL Studio 2014?

Dear all,

I was wondering if somebody has automated the migration of TMWs with Studio 2014.

We have to migrate a many file-based TMs and and it is annoying that everytime we run the Migration Wizard, we have to specify again the settings that we have to apply.

This is also risky taking into account that different people are going to take care of the migration there is no way to make sure that we all implement the correct settings.

We run the wizard on a batch files but still we have several TMs manually (they are not all in the same folder).

Automating the procedure would allso allow us to perform additional tasks (rename the old TMs, copy the new TMs to the right place, etc.)

I know this was not possible with Studio 2011 (as dicussed here) but I wanted to ask if the situation has improved for Studio 2014.

Is it possible to automate the TM migration now? I could not find anything in the SDK.


I have some experience with SDL Trados 2007 API but unfortunately, when trying to use the 2007 components installed with Studio, I get an invalid licence or missing dongle error.

I could use use the classical Workbench API but I really would like to avoid having to install Trados 2007 on the PCs where Studio is installed.

As things stand now, it seems I would have to do the following:

1. Run the Workbench automation on a PC where Workbench is installed and export the TMW files to TMX.

2. Use the Studio APi from a different PC where Studio 2014 is installed and create new TMs, import the TMX, etc.

3. Do the file managing, rename the TMW files.

It would great if this could be done in one from one PC and having to switch from the PC where Trados 2007 is installed to the PC where Studio is installed.

Has anybody had to do something similar before and can share any experiences?









  • I now have to import 200 TXT files into a new Studio translation memory.

    I tried using the Studio Upgrade Wizard but I have to confirm the location of the temporary TMW file for each single TXT file to convert, which is not very helpful for a batch conversion. I have to click OK 200 times. :-(

    (I guess I must be missing something very obvious but I can't find any way skipping this confirmation)

    Is it really not possible convert a large number of TXT files to a Studio TM in one go using the API?

  • I'm wondering the same thing.

    I realse you can export TMX and then import those into a blank sdltm. But the tmw upgrade workflow includes a prompt about if you want to use the sdltm primarily for studio 2014, primarily for 2007 or mixed mode. By importing the TMX straight I'm wondering if I'm missing some behind the scenes conversion that I would get with the manual upgrade.

  • Hi Fredrik,

    by importing tmx files will, you will not loose anything. If your ttmx is from 2011\2014 it will keep contextual information. If it is from 2007 it wont have contextual info. But to be sure, you can play around with ImportSettings. Some samplebelow:

    public void MemoryImport(string file, bool check, bool is_doc_import, Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemory.FieldValues project_settings)


               TranslationMemoryImporter import = new TranslationMemoryImporter(tm.LanguageDirection);

               import.ImportSettings.CheckMatchingSublanguages = check;

               import.ImportSettings.IsDocumentImport = is_doc_import;

               import.ImportSettings.ExistingFieldsUpdateMode = Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemory.ImportSettings.FieldUpdateMode.Merge;

               import.ImportSettings.NewFields = Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemory.ImportSettings.NewFieldsOption.AddToSetup;

               import.ImportSettings.OverwriteExistingTUs = true;

               import.ImportSettings.ProjectSettings = project_settings;




    You should pay closer attention to IsDocumentImport property. If false, contextual information will not be stored.

    Code above will import any tmx or bilingual file. It's coming from Trados 2011