How to determine the user's current profile?

How do I determine which profile the user is currently using?  For example, are they using the Default profile or the SDL Trados profile?

  • Hi David

    The info for the current user profile is stored in the 'BaseSettings.xml' file located in the following location:

    C:\Users\[USER NAME OF CURRENT USER]\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\

    In here you should see something like this:

     <SettingsGroup Id="IUserSettingsService">

       <Setting Id="CurrentUserProfileFilePath">C:\Users\faziz\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\\UserProfiles\Builtin\Default.sdlprofile</Setting>


    So for my instance of Studio the 'Default' profile is enabled.



    Fas Aziz | Desktop Life Cycle Service Manager | SDL | Support Operations, Support Lifecycle

  • Here is the actual code I used to get a strongly typed object to represent that file:

    XmlReader reader = null;



                   reader = XmlReader.Create(_baseSettingsFile);


               catch (Exception e)





               ISettingsBundle baseSettings = SettingsUtil.DeserializeSettingsBundle(reader, null);

               ISettingsGroup userSettingsService = baseSettings.GetSettingsGroup("IUserSettingsService");

               Setting<string> currentUserProfileFilePathSetting = userSettingsService.GetSetting<string>("CurrentUserProfileFilePath");