API License check error

Hi all,

after a client upgraded to Trados Studio 2014 SP2, they cannot use our tool anymore, because they get the exception "A valid SDL Trados Studio Professional license if required to use the Project API in a standalone application" (FileBasedProject.LicenseCheck). Though, they have a valid professional license. They are using a license server. In my environment it works without problems, but I use a local license file. Has anything been changed in SP2 that could result this? 

Thanks in advance,


Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    this is what the diagnostics tool returns:

    Does this contain anything useful?

    Running Licensing Diagnostics - 01.12.2014 16:45:52

    Current licensing provider: SafeNetRMS

    Using license server: True

    Licensing server name: XXXXX

    License status: NotAuthorized

    License mode: Lease

    License mode details: UnlimitedUsage

    An exception occurred while running the diagnosis - Sdl.Common.Licensing.Provider.SafeNetRMS.SafeNetRMSLicensingProviderException: Could not get feature AllowDomainExecution activation ID.

      at Sdl.Common.Licensing.Provider.SafeNetRMS.LicenseFeature.GetActivationID()

      at Sdl.Common.Licensing.Provider.SafeNetRMS.LicensingProvider.GetDiagnosticInfo()

    End ----------------------------------------


