Messages collection not populated when running RunAutomaticTask with AnalyzeFiles

Using the SDK for Studio 2009 we analyze files and generate the corresponding analyze reports. Now and then some files have issues that prevent them from beeing correctly analyzed, if this happens in a manually created project it looks something like this:


When running the same files through the API, the resulting "Messages" collection does not contain anything at all even though Status = Sdl.ProjectAutomation.Core.TaskStatus.Failed.

Is there some other way of getting the information about the errors, or am Im missing something completely?


AutomaticTask autotaskAnalyze = newProject.RunAutomaticTask(pf.GetIds(), AutomaticTaskTemplateIds.AnalyzeFiles);    

if (autotaskAnalyze.Status == Sdl.ProjectAutomation.Core.TaskStatus.Failed)                

         // ---> autotaskAnalyze.Messages.Length is always 0 here so no way to get to exceptions or messages
         for (int messNr = 0; messNr < autotaskAnalyze.Messages.Length; messNr++)                     
                 mess += autotaskAnalyze.Messages[messNr].Message + "\r\n";                     
                 mess += autotaskAnalyze.Messages[messNr].Exception.Message + "\r\n";                     