Render Target where ttx is a source


I'm having some fun with render target when there is a ttx file as source. API does try to render ttx target for me, while i would like to render ttx files as my target. Below is my render code:

AutomaticTask renderTarget = p.RunAutomaticTask(filesToRender.ToArray().GetIds(),
                                                                    (sender, statusArg) =>
                                                                    (sender, messageArg) =>

Message throw :

Render target failed <br><br>Semi-WYSIWYG formatting will not be applied to the TTX file, as the tag settings could not be read. The TTX file will be fully functional but will appear without formatting if opened in TagEditor. The tag settings (INI) file with settings name 'TXML' could not be located. The following paths were attempted:

Any ide how i can render ttx file from sdlxliff?

Im working with trados 2011