Newbie: Project Automation API, command

Hi Chaps,

I'm in the first stages of testing the Project Automation API. Using the Batch Analyzer.exe, I am currently able generate a Trados project  and analysis from running a command line prompt, e.g.:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\Studio3 && Sdl.SDK.ProjectAutomation.Samples.BatchAnalyze.exe C:\TEST C:\TM.sdltm /c /i /k

This works fine when running from within CMD.exe or opening a batch file (with the same contents).

What I'm hoping for, is to run this command from a Web Browser. But when I run a PHP script, that calls said batch file, I get this error:

Could not find the default project template. Run SDL Trados Studio to initialize the default project template.

This looks to me that the command line has been successfully executed, but some SDL component has stopped it in it's tracks.

Does anyone know whether this is possible, and/or is there a solution to the above?

Thanks in advance,


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