What do I need to run SDK with 64 bit application?

Currently we are running a x86 32 bit C++ application with a .NET wrapper component to use the Trados SDK API.

What is needed if we would like to use the SDK on a x64 platform? Is there a x64-version of the SDK available? 

Parents Reply
  • This shouldn't bother as far as an according external interface is provided. We were able to integrate Trados 2007 by using the according API. In this case it is based on COM, and we launch the Workbench and communicate via RPC. Our application is x64, the workbench is still x86 and the communication works.
    Trados 2011/2014 is using a different API (.NET provided by the SDK) In this case we use the SDK to manage TM related stuff without the Trados Studio process like with Trados 2007. As far as I know there is no way to do it like with Trados 2007 via COM.
    Unfortunately we were not able to integrate the x86 .NET SDK in our x64 application (obviously becuase of binary incompatible interface) Therefore my question: Is there a x64 Version of the SDK which can be referenced in x64 applications? If this is not the case, is there a way to integrate the x86 SDK in our x64 application in another way?

    More specific:

    Is there a Trados 2014 x64 .NET SDK available?
