How to solve SDL Trados Studio 2014 license problem with SDL PowerShell Toolkit?

I have a problem with this SDL PowerShell Toolkit and I need help.

The situation is this:
-> I have a computer with Linux operating system "Ubuntu".
-> In this computer I have a project, which is created using "Ruby On Rails".
-> I have a second remote computer with Windows operating system. This computer has "SDL Trados Studio 2014" with professional license, SDK and "SDL PowerShell Toolkit" with powershell script which will be executed.
-> When I run project, automatically connects to remote computer via SSH using Ruby gem "net-ssh".
-> Then run powershell script and I get this:
New-Object : Exception calling ".ctor" with "2" argument(s): "License check failed, with exception: Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased.LicensingException: A valid SDL Trados Studio Professional license is required to use the Project Automation API in a standalone application. at Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased.FileBasedProject.CheckLicense()" At C:\Users\ltvanmk\powershell_sdl_trados_studio\powershell_toolkit\modules\ProjectHelper\ProjectHelper.psm1:95 char:22
-> I checked "SDL Trados Studio 2014" license and everything ok.

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