Custom terminology provider - Could not connect to default termbase


Created a custom terminology provider and it works properly, however one of our client reported the following

  1. create a new project
  2. add a custom terminology provider with a termbase (during new project wizard)
  3. open project, everything works fine
  4. open settings and remove the terminology provider
  5. add the terminology provider with another termbase
  6. when closing the settings this warning is displayed (see below)

Tried several times, it has been consistently reproducible. However if I save the project after 3), close studio and reopen it, then this error/warning does not happen at all. Checked the terminologyProvider's status and it always says it is connected (AbstractTerminologyProvider.Status.IsConnected == true).

Can you help why this warning comes and how can we overcome this issue?
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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