I am using TradosStudio2022_17.0.4.13209.exe
And I try the sample code from here:
This code below should create the xliff file:
Guid[] fileId = { sourceFiles[i].Id };
AutomaticTask convertTask = project.RunAutomaticTask(fileId, AutomaticTaskTemplateIds.ConvertToTranslatableFormat);
CheckEvents(taskStatusEventArgsList, messageEventArgsList);
switch (convertTask.Status)
case TaskStatus.Failed:
foreach (ExecutionMessage oMessage in convertTask.Messages) {
I get the following error:
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
When I check the source language folder, there is no Xliff file.
My code is running since 2014. The error occurs since version 2022_17.0.3.11695.
It occurs for all formats: docx, pptx, etc.
Can anybody help?
Martin Bächtold