Hi everyone,
I was trying to update a MultiTerm tool the other day, but noticed that it was not working anymore. The toll connects to the MT server correctly, but finds no local termbases. I then created a mini tool using the VBA sample in the SDK documentation and this produces the same effect. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Here's the code that connects by always returns a local termbase count = 0. If I open the MultiTerm client, I see at least two local termbases that I can open.
Imports MultiTermIX
Public Class Form1
Private Sub ConnectToTM()
Dim oMt As New MultiTermIX.Application
Dim oLocalRep As TermbaseRepository
'select local termbase repository and log-in
oLocalRep = oMt.LocalRepository
oLocalRep.Connect("", "")
MsgBox("Connected to MT Server: " & oLocalRep.IsConnected, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)
'select termbase
Dim oTbs As Termbases
oTbs = oLocalRep.Termbases
MsgBox("Number of local termbases: " & oTbs.Count, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)
End Sub
Thanks for any help.
Best regards,