Good morning everybody,
I'm updating an internal application code to support Trados 2022SR1. This application that creates projects on demand based on an xml file,
I have an error at the AddFolderWithFiles stage. I suspect this could have something to do with the recent changes on languages retrieval.
To create the project i build and populate a ProjectInfo object, which contains the correct languages codes as it seems.
Languages are retrieved through the new LanguageRegistryApi.Instance.GetLanguage(lang) method.
on calling AddFolderWithFiles(folder_path,true) i get
System.ArgumentNullException:Value can't be null'
Parameter name: path2"
This is the project creation code part:
This is the value of "myParams.SourceFilesFolder:
The is the error with the stack trace:
I really hope someone can kindly point me to the right direction in fixing this issue. I still have the suspect the issue has something to do with the languages during project creation.
I've read documentation at*1n36q6l*_gcl_au*Mzk0ODg5ODE2LjE2ODQ0MDM0MDY.*_ga*MzczODM5NDk4LjE2MTgyMzk5NjY.*_ga_J0Z9C6G83T*MTY4OTU4NTYwNy42My4xLjE2ODk1ODYyODQuMC4wLjA.
but it's not clear if there should be any change during project creation.
Thank you in advance for reading.
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[edited by: Trados AI at 1:39 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]