How to update existing ProjectFile in FileBasedProject incrementally

I would like to update existing file in project incrementally without recreating project.

For example, project contains 3 files(A, B, C) then I would like to update only A.

When i execute ConvertToTranslatableFormat again, sdlxliff for source language is created correctly, but CopyToTargetLanguages is failed.

AutomaticTask convertTask = project.RunAutomaticTask( currentFileId, AutomaticTaskTemplateIds.ConvertToTranslatableFormat);
AutomaticTask copyTask = project.RunAutomaticTask(currentFileId,AutomaticTaskTemplateIds.CopyToTargetLanguages);

If I assume that we can delete a file in project fisrt then run Scan, ConvertToTranslatableFormat and CopyToTargetLanguages, we can update specified file in project without recreating project.
But according to following URL, delete feature is not supportd.

Is there any solution to update existing file in project ?

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