I believe I have used OpenAI's paid API correctly, but there is no response in the translation interface.

I believe I have used OpenAI's paid API correctly, but there is no response in the translation interface.

I have attached the content of the last request log.


OpenAITranslator.API.OpenAIProvider: 2023-10-02 10:46:33.5584 Info Method: "GetTranslationResponse", Request Payload: {"Model":"gpt-4", "Temperature":0.75, "MaxTokens":414, "Prompt":"Translate this text from en-US into zh-CN, with a explanation of the translation without newline characters after 'EXPLN:' : However, if these tears are left untreated, ongoing pain and accelerated cartilage degeneration may ensue.\n1.", "Context":{"SourceLanguage":"en-US", "TargetLanguage":"zh-CN", "PromptLanguage":"en-US", "PromptText":"Translate this text from {0} into {1}, with a explanation of the translation without newline characters after 'EXPLN:' : {2}", "IncludeExplanation":true, "SearchText":"However, if these tears are left untreated, ongoing pain and accelerated cartilage degeneration may ensue.", "SegmentId":"a9f5767e-8de9-4b89-8185-bbb97cf634f8_13"}, "SegmentId":"a9f5767e-8de9-4b89-8185-bbb97cf634f8_13"} OpenAITranslator.API.OpenAIProvider: 2023-10-02 10:46:46.9014 Info Method: "GetTranslationResponse", Response Status: OK, Payload: "{\n \"id\": \"chatcmpl-853F0FYknuL6fmX523mN4QDehRanv\",\n \"object\": \"chat.completion\",\n \"created\": 1696214790,\n \"model\": \"gpt-4-0613\",\n \"choices\": [\n {\n \"index\": 0,\n \"message\": {\n \"role\": \"assistant\",\n \"content\": \"Ȼ Щ˺ δ ܻ ʹ ˻ \\nEXPLN: 仰 ķ ǣ Ȼ Щ˺ δ ܻ ʹ ˻ ' Щ˺ 'ָ ᵽ ij ˻ µ ˺ ѣ 'δ ' ʾ Щ˺ û еõ ʵ ҽ ƴ ' ܻ ʹ ˻ ' ʾ Щδ ˺ ѿ ܻᵼ ³ ʹ ʹ ǵ ˻ ̼ ١ \"\n },\n \"finish_reason\": \"stop\"\n }\n ],\n \"usage\": {\n \"prompt_tokens\": 56,\n \"completion_tokens\": 221,\n \"total_tokens\": 277\n }\n}\n"


Please confirm whether this is an issue with the Trados software or a problem with my settings? Thank you very much for the response.

Trados version: Trados Studio 2022 SR1 -