Is a Hackathon of interest at all to Language Developers?


I'm posting into this forum because I know more developers read this one, so please read on, your opinion is very valuable for us.

Earlier this year we ran a hackathon in San Francisco during SDL Innovate. We put quite a lot of effort into seeing who could attend and who could not, and as most of our developers are in Europe we unsurprisingly had plenty of comments that if the event was in Europe then it would be easier to attend (we did have some Language Developers attend that though and I believe they got a lot from it). So, in September we are planning to run a Hackathon in Europe, in Amsterdam.... hopefully you are all aware of this as it's been advertised in here and we sent mailers to all the registered developers.

To register for the event you go here and click on register.

Unfortunately so far we don't have anyone registered from the Language Community, so this of course makes us wonder if there is any interest at all?  So I've got two questions I'm pondering with:

  1. Are you guys interested in a Hackathon or is this something more interesting for independent professional developers?  I mean professional because I'm assuming you mostly have day jobs and developing is just part of your role and you do it because it helps you integrate your systems and create tools plugins that help you in your day jobs.  Taking time out for this isn't interesting or you don't have the control over your time for something like this.
  2. What can we do that would be of benefit to a developer community like this?  What can we provide to help you improve your skills and get more out of the solutions we are providing?

You can see I'm of the opinion we don't have too many full time developers working for themselves in here. But perhaps I'm wrong and you're all too busy to see the things we are doing to try and help grow the community.

I'm, we're, interested in your feedback so I hope you can take the time to respond and help us get a handle on what we should be doing that would be of more interest for the Language Community of Developers.

Looking forward to your feedback...

Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    I don’t know exactly but I could imagine that some people may be afraid to not have the competencies or the required level of programming to attend.

    If I take my experience, I extended my knowledge of C# while developing my first plugin for Studio 2011. So, it was not just about discovering the SDL APIs, it was about extending my competencies.

    In San Francisco, I also had the impression that the developers working on Digital Experience platforms (i.e. the non-language related products) were more experienced developers or even professional developers. I can imagine that many other language developers are programming like I do, i.e. besides other activities. Therefore, I believe that a hackathon is maybe better suited for developers extending Tridion, Media Manager, etc. For the language developers, maybe a forum where participants would be explained how to start developing a plugin (similar to the tutorial videos but live), with hands-on exercises and QA sessions where participants would bring their own projects and could ask questions to specialists like Romulus or Sorin while working on their own plugins.

    I could imagine that it is the main difference: digital experience developers are trained developers and do not need assistance in the programming work. The hackathon is a good forum for them to develop stuff which they may consider as useful and new but for which they have no time or mandate because it is not in the framework of what they are required to do by their employers or clients. Language developers are maybe more interested in the programming assistance at first rather than in the challenge of developing something revolutionary.

    Nevertheless, it was great fun to take part to the San Francisco hackathon. I really loved meeting other developers and exchanging experience.

    Just a few thoughts...


  • Hi Paul,

    I don’t know exactly but I could imagine that some people may be afraid to not have the competencies or the required level of programming to attend.

    If I take my experience, I extended my knowledge of C# while developing my first plugin for Studio 2011. So, it was not just about discovering the SDL APIs, it was about extending my competencies.

    In San Francisco, I also had the impression that the developers working on Digital Experience platforms (i.e. the non-language related products) were more experienced developers or even professional developers. I can imagine that many other language developers are programming like I do, i.e. besides other activities. Therefore, I believe that a hackathon is maybe better suited for developers extending Tridion, Media Manager, etc. For the language developers, maybe a forum where participants would be explained how to start developing a plugin (similar to the tutorial videos but live), with hands-on exercises and QA sessions where participants would bring their own projects and could ask questions to specialists like Romulus or Sorin while working on their own plugins.

    I could imagine that it is the main difference: digital experience developers are trained developers and do not need assistance in the programming work. The hackathon is a good forum for them to develop stuff which they may consider as useful and new but for which they have no time or mandate because it is not in the framework of what they are required to do by their employers or clients. Language developers are maybe more interested in the programming assistance at first rather than in the challenge of developing something revolutionary.

    Nevertheless, it was great fun to take part to the San Francisco hackathon. I really loved meeting other developers and exchanging experience.

    Just a few thoughts...


  • Hi Paul,

    I can probably only speak for myself, but my main problems with something like a hackathon are:

    - I don’t really know what a hackathon is and how I can benefit from it. Maybe the Language Community developers are different. We’re probably not even real developers.
    - We ourselves have adopted the learning by doing approach: read the documentation and try things out. Follow the developer posts and post any questions on the community. So why attend something externally.
    - I think a number of ETUG members use external developers as they do not have the inhouse resources for programming.
    - As you say time is limited and further developing the tools is not our main task.

    I’m not saying that I believe such events are not good, it’s just hard to find time to attend such events.

    Best regards,
