trados plugin update issue

Hello, I am a programmer of a translation company. I developed the translation plug-in and terminology base plug-in of trados. Now our plug-in supports versions of trados2019, trados2021, trados2022, trados2022SR1, etc. The translators are also very happy to use them. It greatly increases our translation efficiency, but every time after adding functions, solving bugs and modifying the code, users need to reinstall the plug-in, which is very troublesome. How to achieve the update of the plug-in? Do you have a method?


    How to achieve the update of the plug-in? Do you have a method?

    The most obvious is to put it on the RWS AppStore here:  If you do this then whenever you update it all users will be notified of the update in Trados Studio and they can update in a couple of clicks.

    Then we have the Private AppStore. This provides you with the ability to set up your own AppStore for your own use.  You would provide details of the configuration to all your users and then they would have the same benefits of the RWS AppSTore but only for your plugins.  Only the translators you provide details with for the Private AppStore would get this, it's not public.  Details here:

    and also here:  PA Admin 

    If your translators are internal than perhaps you could also use something like System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), PowerShell Scripting, or maybe some 3rd party tools like ManageEngine Desktop Central, Ivanti, or PDQ Deploy for example.  

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • I browse the RWS AppStore website, but I don't know how to list my plugin on the RWS AppStore, and your website doesn't have any entry on the RWS AppStore。

    RWS AppStore webpage showing 205 resources available with a search bar and filters for pricing, category, and product. Featured plugins include 'webVTT filetype', 'tw4winClean', and 'studioViews', all listed as free.

    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:41 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]

    You cannot do this yourself yet.  This will be possible in due course, but for now we have to do this for you.  Send an email to app-signing at rws dotcom and provide the following details:

    the sdlplugin itself (make sure you don’t have any spaces in your dll names as this will cause the signing to be ignored)
    Don’t email the sdlplugin – use dropbox, ftp, googledrive or similar and send a link
    We need credentials to any services the plugin uses so we can test it
    We need a logo from you (512 x 512 is ok)
    We need the app name you wish to publish it as
    - Note: the name in the plugin manifest MUST match this
    We need a description of the app for the webpage
    We need support email/url
    We can also support any documentation you have around using the app so provide this too (Word, link to webpage etc.)

    Once we have all this and we’re happy with the details we can publish it.

    Hope that all makes sense?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    You cannot do this yourself yet.  This will be possible in due course, but for now we have to do this for you.  Send an email to app-signing at rws dotcom and provide the following details:

    the sdlplugin itself (make sure you don’t have any spaces in your dll names as this will cause the signing to be ignored)
    Don’t email the sdlplugin – use dropbox, ftp, googledrive or similar and send a link
    We need credentials to any services the plugin uses so we can test it
    We need a logo from you (512 x 512 is ok)
    We need the app name you wish to publish it as
    - Note: the name in the plugin manifest MUST match this
    We need a description of the app for the webpage
    We need support email/url
    We can also support any documentation you have around using the app so provide this too (Word, link to webpage etc.)

    Once we have all this and we’re happy with the details we can publish it.

    Hope that all makes sense?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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