I had some issues with my plugin code on trados2019. When I added the translation plugin in the project Settings, clicking OK failed to trigger the CurrentProjectChanged event,
my code:
public ITranslationProvider[] Browse(IWin32Window owner, LanguagePair[] languagePairs, ITranslationProviderCredentialStore credentialStore) { string version = TradosUtils.GetStudioVersionFriendly(); // 获取当前trados版本,例如17.1.6 IOLTranslationOptions Options = new IOLTranslationOptions(MtTranslationProviderFactory.transnProviderUri); var provider = new MtTranslationProvider(Options); if (m_setForm != null) { // 二次挂载,清空数据 m_setForm.Dispose(); m_setForm = null; } Logger.Debug("加载翻译插件,ITranslationProvider[] Browse"); var projectController = SdlTradosStudio.Application.GetController<ProjectsController>(); projectController.CurrentProjectChanged += (s, e) => { if (m_setForm == null) { return; } if (m_setForm != null && m_setForm.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } // 创建项目完成,点击关闭时,触发该事件 // 在左下角,从编辑器转到项目视图时,也触发该事件 if (projectController.CurrentProject == null) return; string filePath = projectController.CurrentProject.FilePath; Logger.Info($"current project path = {filePath}"); string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(filePath); // 解析文件所在的目录 string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); // 保存术语库语料库信息 directory += "/transn_plugin/transn.ini"; SaveConfig(directory, fileName); m_setForm.Dispose(); m_setForm = null; CommonParas.Instance.ClearData(); // 保存后,清空全局的数据,项目切换后,这些全局数据就无效了 }; projectController.CurrentProjectChanging2 += (s, e) => { int a = 1; }; // 创建项目时关闭,恢复相关static值 CommonParas.Instance.ClearData(); ActionHelper.IsClickedGetMT = true; CommonParas.Instance.tgc = ""; var loadOptions = new IOLTranslationOptions(); var firstDialog = new TransnLoginForm(loadOptions); // 根据原文译文,确定语种方向,例如中文zh,德文de, 匹配后台接口中的iso6391字段 foreach (var languagePair in languagePairs) { var originLanguage = languagePair.SourceCultureName.Substring(0, 2).ToLower(); var targetLanguage = languagePair.TargetCultureName.Substring(0, 2).ToLower(); CommonParas.Instance.originLanguage_iso6391 = originLanguage; CommonParas.Instance.targetLanguage_iso6391 = targetLanguage; // 目标语言可能有多个, 翻译时取第0个 break; } // 检查token string token = CConfigFileOperator.GetIniPrivateValue("PluginConfig", "token"); SetSupportedLanguages(languagePairs, loadOptions); string response = string.Empty; int tokenResult = ApiConnecter.IsEffectiveToken(token, ref response); // 解析json if (tokenResult == 0) { CTokenCheckResp result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CTokenCheckResp>(response); CommonParas.Instance.NickName = result.nickname; } else { if(tokenResult == -1) { MessageBox.Show("服务请求超时,请检查电脑是否连接网络"); return null; } else { if (firstDialog.ShowDialog(owner) != DialogResult.OK) { return null; } } } m_setForm = new SetForm(); if(m_setForm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return null; } //projectController.RefreshProjects(); return new ITranslationProvider[] { provider }; }
In trados2022, when the plug-in is mounted, clicking OK (in red) will trigger CurrentProjectChanged event, but in trados2019, CurrentProjectChanged event will not be triggered. Due to the requirements of our project, I need to save some configurations by clicking OK (red box in the picture above), but it cannot be triggered, resulting in my configuration failing to be saved. Is there a solution.
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[edited by: Trados AI at 1:41 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]