I'm using the Integration API and trying to determine whether it is possible to update the content of the target box in the active segment through the EditorController. I've already reviewed some of the posts like this one, the docs on the EditorController, and this article by Romulus.
At this point, I've figured out how to insert text at the cursor in the target box indirectly through the Selection property. But there doesn't seem to be a way to completely replace the text if there is existing text in the box. I would also like to be able to clear the current origin in the segment, etc. I've tried using the Visitor pattern as described in the linked article, with no success. It get called on the elements correctly, and I can change the elements, which is reflected in the values of the objects (seen in debugging), but nothing changes in the editor. Similarly, if I try to use the Clear() method on the target of the ActiveSegment, nothing happens in the editor. Is there something that has to be done to refresh the editor?
Basically I'm trying to emulate the function of a translation provider, to some extent at least, but using an editor view part. I want the benefit of flexibility in controls, rich display, etc. that the view part allows, but I want the user to be able to automatically populate the target text in response to events in the view part. The idea is that they could see search results based on the content of the source text, and select one (for example by double-clicking or a shortcut-key), and that would populate the target segment. I'm able to hook into all the events correctly and get access to the necessary data in the view part, but I can't seem to send data directly the other way (except through the cursor insertion mentioned above).
In case you are wondering, I've already tried using SendKeys.Send() of Windows.Forms to select all before inserting text, but it doesn't work..probably because when the view part has focus the select all command has no effect on the target text. I think I can probably come up with some acceptable user work flow using shortcut keys and the selection/cursor insert, but it would be great to find out if there is a more direct way.