I have several questions.
I am eliminating unnecessary cords and correcting because I made a software from a sample program (SDL.Actions.Sample).
1. I would like to eliminate the button of User Ribon Group or make it unvisible.
(I'd like to leave setting of a short cut just as it is.)
When I make it as follows, only a figure of the icon has disappeared.
namespace Sdl.Actions.MyMenu
#region General action
[Action("MyMainIconAction", Icon = "")]
[ActionLayout(typeof(MySampleRibbonGroup), 10, DisplayType.Large)]
[Shortcut(Keys.Alt | Keys.F8)]
public class MyMainIconAction : AbstractAction
protected override void Execute()
Form1 f = new Form1();
2. I made as follows so that it can also be called from context menu.
There is characters as the '_Name' behind 'MyMenu'.
How can this be deleted?
namespace Sdl.Actions.MyMenu
[Action("MyMenu", typeof(EditorController), Icon = "")]
[ActionLayout(typeof(TranslationStudioDefaultContextMenus.EditorDocumentContextMenuLocation), 3, Desktop.IntegrationApi.Extensions.DisplayType.Default, "", true)]
public class MyMainIconAction1 : AbstractAction
protected override void Execute()
Form1 f = new Form1();