I would like to copy existing FileBasedProject. I checked API but it seems that it is not available in FileBasedProject class.
So i tried to copy Project folder and rename .sdlproj file. Then try to load FileBasedProject class. But i got following exception.
The project with GUID '05eda162-d645-4579-b989-4ed4cc16f034' already exists on this server.
Here is my step.
1: Copy existing projec folder t(c:\ABC) to new project folder (c:\ABC_New)
2: Rename c:\ABC_New\ABC.sdlproj in ABC_New project folder to c:\ABC_New\ABC_new.sdlproj
3: FileBasedProject newProject = new FileBasedProject(ABC_new.sdlproj);
Then exception occurs.
It seems that sdlproj has project GUID and project name. When i update these information with new values, does copied project work correctly ?