Custom Global Verifier: Are there any specific Interfaces/Annotations required to make Global Verifier work in Sign-Off Mode vs Open For Translation?

The reason I am making this post is I am having a very difficult time getting SDL to get a developer to look into an issue that will prevent our translators from upgrading to Studio 2015 officially and they have asked that I post the issue on the community forum.  The following error is occurring frequently for one of our translation supervisors in Germany when opening a file in Sign Off mode in Studio 2015 (see REQ000000148763).  The impact of this bug is the Editor View is completely broken.  The tricky part about this bug is in our initial investigation, it only seems to surface when our Custom Global Verifier is enabled.  I will note, this problem did not occur in Studio 2014.  I will also note that my global verifier actually really does work in both Translation mode and Sign-Off mode just fine after taking some steps to workaround the problem.  I believe there is a bug in how Studio 2015 is rendering views.  I believe that loading custom plugins that have a UI component may be one variable in the equation, but I do not believe that my plugin is the problem itself because after resetting the window layout and such it starts to work again.

A Workaround

  1. Restart Trados Studio

  2. Open the project where the error occurs and open the file for translation

  3. Reset the window layout

  4. Now open the file for sign-off

  5. It works for that session (sometimes it fixes it for new trados sessions)

    1. But if I restart Trados Studio and open that file for signoff again, I see the error

In order to try and debug this problem, I have attached Visual Studio to the Studio 2015 process and have set multiple breakpoints throughout the plugin (specifically in the constructors of the plugins that have View Parts) and configured Visual Studio to break on any exception that is thrown, and so far nothing in my plugins has even been executed, and Visual Studio is not breaking on any exception.  The stack trace also indicates that no code in my plugin itself has been executed.

I have also walked through the documentation at

and have verified that our plugin pretty much is the sample code but tweaked and modified to meet our specific needs. 

With that said, I want to ask if in addition to updated the .csproj files as described in the post and manifest files, are there any key annotations/interfaces that have changed from 2014 to 2015 that would be the cause of the error above surfacing that I have failed to implement?

For reference, here is a screen shot of the Custom Global Verifier plugin working just fine in Studio 2015 in Sign Off Mode (after opening it for Translation, resetting window layout, and then opening for sign off):  So I know our plugin works and is able to run.  I do not believe the stack trace above is a problem with my plugin.

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