Integration with Translation Quality Assurance (TQA) in Trados 2015

Hi all,

Does anyone know if we can access the TQA functionality via the SDK? We would like to collect all information that the user enters and store it. Currently, this information is only available in Studio itself.

We had a look at various resources, but did not find any information about this. Perhaps someone could put us in the right direction? Your help is much appreciated.

Best regards,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Romulus,

    is there already a roadmap attached to this? Most importantly it would be great if there was an AutomaticBatchTaskTemplate to generate the TQA reports automatically. Would it be a workaround to create a custom batch task and run this? How would that work using the APIs? Could you give me a hint for it? Much appreciated :)

    On another note - slightly off-topic - but still: is there any plans to have TQA-changes applied in the SDLXLIFF file survive in the target DOCX file should the source format be DOCX? That would be very useful, I am aware that the TQA-changes merely look like tracked changes in Studio, so I can understand if it is technically not feasible to convert them to track changes when creating the target DOCX file, but I still wanted to ask ... ;-)

    Many thanks!