Problem saving analysis report from Sdl.ProjectAutomation

I'm building a tool based upon the Project Automation Tool which is installed with the SDK, and I have a problem with saving the analysis report.

As with the Project Automation Tool, this is a 3-step process:

  1. determine the analysis settings for the project
  2. run the analysis and obtain an ID for the report
  3. request that the project save the report (using the ID from step 2) to a specified path and in a specified format.

If I create a project based upon a template, all three steps run as expected and I obtain the analysis report as expected.

If I create a project without a template and manually assign a TM and/or termbase, the first two steps run as expected - I obtain an ID and I can see properties of the analysis such as Name and Description. However, when in step 3 I then call

        project.SaveTaskReportAs(reportId, path, ReportFormat.Xml);

an exception is thrown, telling me that the report doesn't exist: "System.ArgumentException: Could not find report with ID [project-specific GUID]'

Here is the code I'm using (with logging elided):

For step 1...

        private void FormulateAnalysisSettings(IProject project, Language targetLanguage)
            ISettingsBundle settings = project.GetSettings(targetLanguage);
            AnalysisTaskSettings analyzeSettings = settings.GetSettingsGroup<AnalysisTaskSettings>();

            analyzeSettings.ReportCrossFileRepetitions.Value = true;
            analyzeSettings.ReportInternalFuzzyMatchLeverage.Value = true;

            project.UpdateSettings(targetLanguage, settings);

For step 2...

        private Guid RunFileAnalysis(IProject project, Language targetLanguage)
                ProjectFile[] targetFiles = project.GetTargetLanguageFiles(targetLanguage);
                AutomaticTask analyzeTask = project.RunAutomaticTask(targetFiles.GetIds(), AutomaticTaskTemplateIds.AnalyzeFiles);

                return analyzeTask.Reports[0].Id;
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw new Exception("Failed to analyze the files.", exception);

For step 3...

        private AnalysisStatistics CreateReports(Guid reportId, IProject project, string path)
                project.SaveTaskReportAs(reportId, path + "AnalyzeTaskReport.xml", ReportFormat.Xml);        // EXCEPTION THROWN HERE
                ProjectStatistics projectStats = project.GetProjectStatistics();
                TargetLanguageStatistics[] targetStats = projectStats.TargetLanguageStatistics;

                return targetStats[0].AnalysisStatistics;
            catch (Exception exception)
                Log.Error("An exception occurred while reporting the results of the analysis: ", exception);

            return null;