Invalid filechck.dll

Hi everyone

I am currently developing a simple WPF program using the ProjectAutomation API. However, when running unit tests, I run into the following exception on calling the "FileBasedProject" constructor:

Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased.LicensingException was unhandled by user code
  Message=License check failed, with exception: System.ArgumentException: Invalid filechck.dll
   bei Sdl.Core.FileCheck.AbstractFileCheck..ctor(String fileCheckDll)
   bei Sdl.Core.FileCheck.NodeLockFileCheck..ctor(String fileCheckDll)
   bei Sdl.DesktopLicensing.Core.CoreLicenseManager.CreateProduct()
   bei Sdl.DesktopLicensing.Core.CoreLicenseManager.get_CurrentProduct()
   bei Sdl.DesktopLicensing.Core.CoreLicenseManager.GetLicense(Boolean checkOutLicense)
   bei Sdl.DesktopLicensing.Core.CoreLicenseManager.GetLicenseWithoutConsumingSeatsOrUsages()
   bei Sdl.ProjectApi.Licensing.LicenseCheckWithoutUsingNetworkSeat.get_License()
   bei Sdl.ProjectApi.Licensing.LicenseCheckWithoutUsingNetworkSeat.get_IsProfessional()
   bei Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased.FileBasedProject.CheckLicense()
       bei Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased.FileBasedProject.CheckLicense()
       bei Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased.FileBasedProject..ctor(ProjectInfo projectInfo, ProjectTemplateReference templateReference)
       bei Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased.FileBasedProject..ctor(ProjectInfo projectInfo)
       bei ch.diction.projectcreator.factory.SdlTradosStudioProjectFactory.createProject(ProjectSettings projectSettings) in C:\Users\pkesseli\Software\C#\project-creator\project-creator\src\ch\diction\projectcreator\factory\SdlTradosStudioProjectFactory.cs:Zeile 54.
       bei ch.diction.projectcreator.test.factory.SdlTradosStudioProjectFactoryTest.testCreateSingleSourceLanguageSingleTranslationTask() in C:\Users\pkesseli\Software\C#\project-creator\project-creator-test\src\ch\diction\projectcreator\test\factory\SdlTradosStudioProjectFactoryTest.cs:Zeile 31.
  InnerException: System.ArgumentException
       Message=Invalid filechck.dll
            bei Sdl.Core.FileCheck.AbstractFileCheck..ctor(String fileCheckDll)
            bei Sdl.Core.FileCheck.NodeLockFileCheck..ctor(String fileCheckDll)
            bei Sdl.DesktopLicensing.Core.CoreLicenseManager.CreateProduct()
            bei Sdl.DesktopLicensing.Core.CoreLicenseManager.get_CurrentProduct()
            bei Sdl.DesktopLicensing.Core.CoreLicenseManager.GetLicense(Boolean checkOutLicense)
            bei Sdl.DesktopLicensing.Core.CoreLicenseManager.GetLicenseWithoutConsumingSeatsOrUsages()
            bei Sdl.ProjectApi.Licensing.LicenseCheckWithoutUsingNetworkSeat.get_License()
            bei Sdl.ProjectApi.Licensing.LicenseCheckWithoutUsingNetworkSeat.get_IsProfessional()
            bei Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased.FileBasedProject.CheckLicense()

The innermost exception seems to be an ArgumentException proclaiming "Invalid filechck.dll". Since I've connected my machine to our license server and Studio starts without issues, I am unsure where this error might result from. There is only one "filechck.dll" in the Studio program folder, and copying it to the program location has no effect.

Thanks for any suggestions and best regards


  • Hi all,

    I tried to investigate this issue by running project automation API with Studio 2011 professional license (both the case to use license server or independent) and I could not reproduce any license problem reported in this thread if I follow a certain rules. Here is the steps I tried:

    1) Prepare a folder to store the reference files and the output of Visual Studio build. In my case I use the folder d:\dev\bin\debug. And I run the following batch file to make the folder and copy all the possible required files (Here I am using Windows 7 and Studio is installed to the default folder. Basically this is to create a new folder, and copy everything from Studio installation folder):

    ::::::: the batch file content :::::::::::::::::::::

    @echo off

    :: setup the folders


    SET STUDIO_FOLDER="C:\Program Files (x86)\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\Studio2"

    SET DEV_BIN=%DEV_FOLDER%\bin\debug

    :: copy all studio files to dev folder so that project reference and output will go to this folder

    IF EXIST %DEV_BIN% GOTO copy_file

    mkdir %DEV_BIN%


    xcopy /s %STUDIO_FOLDER% %DEV_BIN%

    2) Create a project in Visual Studio. Make sure all the project reference files are from the folder in the first step -- that is d:\dev\bin\debug for my case. And also make sure the project output path is set to the same folder, just as shown in the following screenshot:

    3) Now I wrote the code with project automation api, then I run either from debug or outside Visual Studio, everything works fine.

    4) To further investigate this issue I also created a unit test project. In the first test I forgot setting project output path as I did in step 2, therefore my test failed with "Invalid filechck" error. I then start fussion log tool (FUSLOGVW.exe -- from Microsoft SDK) to check all the DLL loading. I saw it is the DLL loading issue. Therefore I changed the project output path to the same folder as in Step 2, now it works fine again.

    5) With the setting in step 2 for all the projects, all my coded DLLs and Exes are in the folder d:\dev\bin\Debug. After finishing my work, I just copy my own DLLs and Exes to SDL Studio installation folder for production usage.

    Could you all try the same steps as I did to see if you still have problem? If you still problems, you might post your detailed steps and I will look further the issue.



  • How can this be different than just building in the C:\Program Files (x86)\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\Studio2 folder when I build with references to this folder?

    I now get it working on my own pc using a normal license key or a server license key. But if I try it on another pc it doesn't work anymore.

    Edit: I can now get it working on other pc's too if I follow your steps. Thank you.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Piet,

    If you already copied everything from Studio installation to the output path, references to the output path instead of PF folder can avoid any further reference checking/copying for Visual Studio building. The steps I posted are to ensure we have all the necessary required DLLs/resources etc in place to run SDK apps, also ensure we do not have security related problems. If you follow the steps I posted and it does not work, please post your fusion log.



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