When using the DefaultSettingsPage like in the following example. Overriding OnActivate never gets called.
Is this unfinished API or am I missing something?
When using the DefaultSettingsPage like in the following example. Overriding OnActivate never gets called.
Is this unfinished API or am I missing something?
You are right the OnActivate method is never called by the Studio engine in the context of batch task settings. AbstractSettingsPage is part of the core framework and is used in many areas of the application where the OnActivate is used. DefaultSettingsPage is inherited from AbstractSettingsPage because this is the base class used by the batch task settings screens implementation, so when building the API we needed to build on what we already had. Following actions from DefaultSettingsPage should be overridden:
1. GetControl - this should be done with caution because this is the moment when the actual settings control is instantiated. This can be a good place to place the Activate logic.
2. ResetToDefaults
3. ValidateInput
4. Save
5. Cancel
6. Dispose
Romulus Crisan | Translation Productivity Development Manager | SDL | (twitter) @cromica_82 | (blog) http://www.romuluscrisan.com/