Closing a project programatically


is there any way to remove a project programatically from the projects overview list of Studio? I found that I can do this if I edit the projects.xml file in the MyDocuments\Studio 2011\Projects folder, but this does not work if Studio is running in the background, because it will restore the xml file as soon as I close it.

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Tamás,

    I spoke to development on this and it's not possible to remove a Project from Studio through the API at the moment.  It may also be the case that you cannot add them to the list in Studio through the API either (although I guess you can confirm this?).  So you are correct in that the running instance of Studio will save the project list which it loaded initially plus all the changes made since the start; so it effectively overwrites the list (and your changes) as expected.

    This capability to add/remove projects from the list will be available in a future release of the API.  Ian (OpenExchange Product Manager) is best placed to provide more details on this.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Tamás,

    I spoke to development on this and it's not possible to remove a Project from Studio through the API at the moment.  It may also be the case that you cannot add them to the list in Studio through the API either (although I guess you can confirm this?).  So you are correct in that the running instance of Studio will save the project list which it loaded initially plus all the changes made since the start; so it effectively overwrites the list (and your changes) as expected.

    This capability to add/remove projects from the list will be available in a future release of the API.  Ian (OpenExchange Product Manager) is best placed to provide more details on this.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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