Connecting to Multiterm Server 7.0

Hi, Im trying to connect to our Multiterm Server with the Multiterm API, but the only result I get is: "There was no endpoint listening at http://servername/sdl/discovery.svc".

This is the API sample code im trying to use:
Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.Application MtApp1 = new Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.ApplicationClass();
Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.TermbaseRepository oServerRep = MtApp1.ServerRepository;
oServerRep.Location = "http://servername";

Does the 2011 API work with multiterm Server 7?
The URL in the error does not exist on our MT server, faulty installation? Does anyone with Multiterm Server 7 have this URL?

Any pointers appreciated.

  • Hi Daniel,

    MultiTerm 2011 (client/Api) is able to talk to MT2011 & MT2009SP3 servers, but not MT2007.

    MT2009SP4 (client/Api) is able to talk to MT2009SP3 servers and MT2011 servers.

    MT2009SP3 (client/Api) is able to talk to MT2009SP3 servers..

    MT2007 (client/Api) is able to talk to MT2007 servers only.

    MultiTerm 2007 Servers (depending on version) offer the MTAnywhere WebService api which the client API for 2007 is able to connect to.

    The complication, when trying to build a version independent integration with MultiTerm, is that the underlying COM APIs (TMMT02) changed with each version. So, from a .Net point of view, you need 3 different interop assemblies, and therefore essentially three different integrations.

    When we developed the integration for SDLTMS, which "seamlessly" supports all three versions of MultiTerm, we ended up developing our own .Net "interface" for MultiTerm, and building three integrations, each compiled against a different interop assembly. Each of these integrations exposed the same "interface", and we enumerate them at run time... Each integration assembly checks the registry to determine whether its version of Multiterm (Desktop/Api) is installed, and therefore whether it will work...

    Not pretty, but quite simple and effective.

    Your challenge, I suspect, is that MultiTerm 2007 and Studio are not happy friends... Studio ships with MultiTerm client APIs (I believe) for Mt2009/2011. IIRC, installation of Studio will uninstall MT2007 Desktop...? I'm also not sure whether subsequently reinstalling MT2007 is a supported scenario.

    I'm sure there are many who would recommend a MultiTerm Server upgrade!!

    Does this help?


    Tim Pearce | SDL | Language Solutions

  • Thanks, I had no idea there was so many combinations. We will have to look at MT 2001 then.