How to integrate external terminology source

Hi all,

My first post here. Just to quickly introduce myself: I am leading the software development team at itl AG, based in Munich. My team creates and maintains various products and also builds internal tools to make live easier for our PMs and customers.

I was wondering how one would go about integrating an external source of terminology into a Trados Studio project, using the API. It seems to be possible using the ITranslationProvider interface, e.g. by sending the sentence to be translated to the terminology provider and getting a pretranslated sentence back with terminology matches populated. However, I am wondering, if there is a direct ITerminologyProvider interface, so that the term matches will show up in the terminology component of the Trados Studio GUI.

Does such a Terminology interface exist?




Parents Reply
  • This is a very interesting topic, and we have raised it with SDL previously - the ability to be able to interface Trados with external terminology providers (e.g. in a similar way a plugin for an external translation provider such as machine translation can be created).

    Unfortunately, at the time this was not available and it would be great to see such an API in the near future!

    We have automated exports of terminology into termbases on a regular basis, which are then shared with internal and external translators. The issue with this is that it can become time intensive (e.g. recreating a termbase with 100.000 entries can take several hours), and when syncing existing termbases search indexes for Trados sometimes seem to be not updated.

    Also, the main benefit of using an external terminology provider instead of distributing exports for us would be that all clients can use up to date terminology at all times. Previously, I was under the impression that this could already be done from a technical point of view - similar to how a trados client communicates with a Multiterm server - but this obviously is not documented or there are some technical obstacles I'm not aware of.

    In any case, please keep us updated on any development in this regard!
