How to upgrade a legacy TMW-file?

Hi everyone

I am trying to create a console-program capable of performing the same *.tmw to *.sdltm upgrades as the upgrade dialog in Studio 2011. This console program would allow us to conveniently write shell scripts in order to upgrade the legacy translation memories and perform additional tasks (e.g. move the old *.tmw files).

Is there a utility class available in the plug-in SDK or what would be the best way to implement such an upgrade in C#?

Thanks and best regards

Parents Reply
  • In our workflow system, we've used the method described here to convert TMW to SDLTM (export to TMX through Trados 2007 API and import with Studio API). Currently were moving this workflow system to new hardware with Windows Server 2012, and we are having trouble with the Trados 2007 API. Trados 2007 installs and opens in demo mode and I can call the API, but licenses don't seem to work (we've tried a license server connection and a local license file). I understand that Trados 2007 is not supported on Windows Server 2012, I'm just wondering if anyone's managed to get the Trados 2007 API working on it (and what type of license was used)?

    Of course the ideal solution would be to have API access to the TMW conversion that Studio uses to convert and access TMWs. Are there any plans on making that part of Studio accessible through a public, documented API?
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