Get target term with GroupShare REST API

Hi All,

I looking for a way to get the target term in a entry. Using the '/multiterm/api/1.0/termbases/search' I'm only able to receive back the source term for the source language 'srcLangId'. I've tried to use the param 'trgLangId' but the result is the same.

The response has only the value for 'termText' for the source language.

Maybe the 'trgLangId' field has another purpose...


Thanks in advance


  • Hello again,  !

    There is another solution, using this endpoint:


    This works very well, giving a response like this:

        "terms": [
                "translation": [
                "termText": "{termText}",
                "conceptId": "1",
                "termbaseId": "{termBaseId}",

    For this call, you need to have the tbGuid, which you can get by making these calls:

         1. GetOrganizations: /api/management/v2/organizations
                     In the response, you get the id of the organization which the relevant termbase belongs to.

         2. GetOrganizationResources: /api/management/v2/organizationresources?organizationId={orgId}&resourceType=tb
                     In the response, you get the tbGuid which you need for the FindTermsEx call above.

    Thank you  , for providing this solution!

  • Hello again,  !

    There is another solution, using this endpoint:


    This works very well, giving a response like this:

        "terms": [
                "translation": [
                "termText": "{termText}",
                "conceptId": "1",
                "termbaseId": "{termBaseId}",

    For this call, you need to have the tbGuid, which you can get by making these calls:

         1. GetOrganizations: /api/management/v2/organizations
                     In the response, you get the id of the organization which the relevant termbase belongs to.

         2. GetOrganizationResources: /api/management/v2/organizationresources?organizationId={orgId}&resourceType=tb
                     In the response, you get the tbGuid which you need for the FindTermsEx call above.

    Thank you  , for providing this solution!

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