SDL TMS & MultiTerm Integration

Some questions regarding SDL TMS, SDL MultiTerm and integrations:

1. Is SDL MultiTerm included in SDL TMS?

2. In case it is, does it also function for the online version of SDL TMS?

3. Is there an API/SDK to integrate with both of these? Can you share some info on how it works. If it is a plugin or a web service.

Thank you

  • Hi Stefanos,

    1. SDL Multiterm Server is part of another SDL product called GroupShare. You can find more details on

    GroupShare is made up of 3 components:

    • Multiterm Server
    • TM Server
    • Project TM

    2. TMS and the Multiterm Server part of GroupShare can function together as they have support baked in to the products to do so. If you are translating using the Online Editor with TMS you can search terms in a Multiterm termbases seamlessly.

    3. Both TMS and GroupShare now have RESTful APIs but because its already baked in to this products you would need to do anything with it just configure your TMS to connect to your Multiterm server under the menu path of Setup >Terminology.

    What Versions of TMS and Multiterm are you dealing with? 



  • First of all thank you for your answer.

    We are not into the translation business, but rather in the terminology management software business.
    We are interested in integrating our terminology management application with SDL Groupshare and TMS.
    We already have a working integration with MultiTerm and we are evaluating our options to integrate with TMS instead.
    Is this possible with the RESTful API?
    Do you think, you can provide us with a documentation and some examples?
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