Getting translated text segments from TranslationUnit

How can I get the translated text segments from a TranslationMemory's TranslationUnits that I am fetching using GroupShareKit?


What we need:

A way to list actual translated text segments, by exposing them via an API method. 


What we currently have: 

Using the SDL GroupShareKit, we can make a call to the /api/tmservice/tms/{tmId}/tus. This returns a list of TranslationUnits, but none of them actually contain any actual translated text.

This is the object I get in Visual Studio Debug, as a result of the API call:

 Visual Studio debug window showing a TranslationMemory object with nested properties. The TranslationUnits property is expanded, revealing details such as Source and Target language codes 'de-CH' and 'en-GB', but no actual translated text.

I cannot find the translated text anywhere in the object.

This is the output of a postman call to: /api/tmservice/tms/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/tus?source=de-ch&target=en-gb&startTuId=0&count=5

A Notepad++ window displaying JSON formatted data. The content includes TranslationUnit objects with properties like 'segmentId' and 'sourceLanguageId', but no visible translated text segments.



Is this even possible? Can you get actual text from a TU? If not, how would we need to go about solving this problem?

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 5:30 PM (GMT 0) on 14 Nov 2024]
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